Severn Lamb have been world leaders in the manufacture of Light Urban & Leisure Transport for the past 75 years. Throughout our history we have developed a range of products which stemmed from the early days of small scale rail trains, vintage vehicles & show props moving onto highly sophisticated Trams, larger scale rail trains, Ultra-light railways, land trains and custom visitor transport. We specialise in offering tailor made solutions to meet client’s specific requirements.
What we offer
Visitor transport for attractions. Narrow gauge trains, trams and land trains for moving visitors. Some of our vehicles are highly themed and most have battery electric drive.
Our portfolio includes:
Tracked Trains
Trackless Trains
Special Purpose Vehicles
Leisure Monorails
Period Replicas
Mobile Vending & Marketing Stations
Fabrication & Engineering
Design Services
Maintenance & Servicing
Project Management & Consultancy
Refurbishment & Repair
Track & Infrastructure
What we look for
Engaging with the Leisure and Tourism ecosystem in the Saudi Gigaprojects.